Arxis Group Pty Ltd Trading as Arxis
12 Pirie Street, Adelaide SA 5000
Phone: 1300 027 497

Acceptable Use Policy

  1. Scope

This Acceptable Use Policy (“Policy”) governs the usage of products and services supplied by Arxis Group Pty Ltd and its related entities (“Arxis”). This Policy is incorporated by reference into each agreement Arxis enters into with a client (“Client”) for the use of the Services. Arxis may modify the Policy at any time without notice by posting it on the company website or notifying clients directly.

  1. Purpose

The purpose of this Policy is to enhance the quality of the Services and to protect Arxis clients, and the Internet community as a whole, from illegal, irresponsible, or disruptive Internet activities. This Policy applies to each Client and its employees, agents, contractors, or other users of the Services (“Users”).

  1. Prohibited Uses

Users may not use the Services:

(a) to send, allow to be sent, or assist in sending unsolicited e-mail to third parties;

(b) in connection with any illegal activity including, but not limited to:

(i) copying material from third parties without proper authorization; (ii) misappropriating or infringing upon the patents, copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights of any third party; (iii) distributing misleading or deceptive information; (iv) engaging in pyramid or other illegal soliciting schemes; (v) trafficking illegal drugs, distributing obscene materials, or engaging in activities prohibited under applicable law; (vi) exporting encryption software in violation of applicable export control laws; (vii) distributing material unsuitable for minors, including child sexual abuse material (CSAM);

(c) in connection with any tortious or actionable activity including, but not limited to:

(i) publishing or distributing slanderous or defamatory information; (ii) threatening or harassing individuals, or distributing offensive materials;

(d) in connection with any other disruptive or abusive activity including, but not limited to:

(i) causing denial of service attacks or degrading the operation of network hosts or Internet users; (ii) subverting the security of systems or gaining unauthorized access to computer networks; (iii) distributing viruses, worms, or malicious computer programs; (iv) conducting phishing attempts or engaging in actions that increase the risk of ransomware attacks;



  1. Violations

4.1 Disclaimer

Arxis has no obligation to monitor its Clients and other Users with respect to violations of this Policy. Arxis has no liability or responsibility for the actions of any of its Clients or other Users or any content any User may transmit or publish.

4.2 Reporting Violations

Arxis encourages Users to report violations of this Policy by email to, including the nature of the violation and relevant details.

4.3 Remedies

If Arxis learns of a violation of this Policy, Arxis may, in its sole discretion, take actions including, but not limited to, warning the Client, restricting or suspending Services, terminating Services, imposing fees or charges, or removing offending material.

  1. Additional Terms

5.1 Cloud Focus

With the widespread adoption of cloud computing services, it is imperative for users to understand and adhere to guidelines for the proper use of cloud storage and applications. Users must ensure that any data stored or processed in the cloud complies with applicable laws and regulations regarding data privacy and security. Additionally, users should implement appropriate access controls and encryption measures to safeguard sensitive information stored in the cloud. Any unauthorized use or sharing of cloud resources is strictly prohibited, and users must report any suspected security breaches or data leaks to Arxis immediately.

5.2 Social Media and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)

In today’s digital age, social media platforms play a significant role in both personal and professional communication. However, users must exercise caution and discretion when using social media in connection with Arxis’ services. Users should refrain from posting confidential or sensitive information about Arxis, its clients, or its operations on personal social media accounts. Additionally, users must comply with Arxis’ social media policies and guidelines when representing the company online.

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) practices allow employees to use personal devices, such as smartphones, laptops, and tablets, for work-related tasks. While BYOD can enhance flexibility and productivity, it also poses potential security risks. Users must ensure that personal devices used for work purposes are adequately secured with strong passwords, encryption, and up-to-date security software. Furthermore, users should only access Arxis’ network and systems from trusted devices and secure networks to prevent unauthorized access and data breaches.

5.3 Phishing and Ransomware

Phishing attacks and ransomware threats pose significant risks to both individuals and organizations. Phishing involves fraudulent attempts to obtain sensitive information, such as usernames, passwords, and financial details, by impersonating reputable entities or organizations. Users must remain vigilant and exercise caution when receiving unsolicited emails, messages, or phone calls, especially if they request sensitive information or prompt users to click on suspicious links or download attachments. Users should report any suspected phishing attempts to Arxis’ IT security team immediately.

Ransomware is a type of malicious software that encrypts files or locks users out of their systems until a ransom is paid. To mitigate the risk of ransomware attacks, users must regularly back up important data to secure and offline locations, such as external hard drives or cloud storage. Additionally, users should avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading attachments from unknown sources, as these may contain ransomware payloads. If users suspect that their device has been infected with ransomware, they must disconnect it from the network immediately and contact Arxis’ IT support team for assistance.

5.4 Data Privacy

Data privacy regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), impose strict requirements on organizations regarding the collection, storage, and processing of personal data. Users must comply with all applicable data privacy laws and regulations when handling personal information on behalf of Arxis. This includes obtaining proper consent from individuals before collecting their personal data, implementing appropriate security measures to protect data from unauthorized access or disclosure, and adhering to data retention and disposal policies. Users should also report any data breaches or incidents involving the unauthorized access or disclosure of personal information to Arxis’ data protection officer immediately.

5.5 Password Strength and Management

Passwords are a critical aspect of cybersecurity, serving as the first line of defence against unauthorized access to systems and accounts. Users must create strong, unique passwords that are difficult for hackers to guess or crack. Passwords should be at least eight characters long and include a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Users should never use easily guessable passwords, such as “password” or “123456,” and should avoid reusing passwords across multiple accounts.

In addition to creating strong passwords, users must also practice good password management habits. This includes regularly updating passwords, avoiding sharing passwords with others, and using password management tools to securely store and manage passwords. Users should also enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) whenever possible to add an extra layer of security to their accounts. By following these best practices, users can help protect Arxis’ systems and data from unauthorized access and cyber threats.

5.6 Acceptable Use of Communication Tools

Effective communication is essential for collaboration and productivity in the workplace. Arxis provides various communication tools, such as email, instant messaging, and video conferencing platforms, to facilitate communication among employees and with clients. Users are expected to use these communication tools responsibly and professionally, adhering to Arxis’ communication policies and guidelines at all times.

When using email, users should exercise caution when sending sensitive or confidential information and ensure that the intended recipients are authorized to receive such information. Users should also refrain from sending unsolicited or spam emails and report any suspicious or malicious emails to Arxis’ IT security team immediately. Similarly, when using instant messaging or video conferencing platforms, users should follow appropriate etiquette and refrain from engaging in inappropriate or disruptive behaviour.

5.7 Social Engineering

Social engineering attacks involve manipulating individuals into divulging confidential information or performing certain actions that compromise security. Common social engineering tactics include phishing emails, pretexting, and baiting. Users must be vigilant and sceptical of unsolicited requests for information or assistance, especially if they seem unusual or suspicious. Users should verify the identity of the person making the request and refrain from providing sensitive information or access credentials unless absolutely necessary.

To mitigate the risk of social engineering attacks, users should undergo regular training and awareness programs to educate them about common tactics used by attackers and how to recognize and respond to suspicious behaviour. Users should also report any suspected social engineering attempts to Arxis’ IT security team immediately for investigation and remediation.

5.8 Dispute Resolution

In the event of disputes or disagreements related to this Policy or its enforcement, users should follow the dispute resolution procedures outlined in the Arxis Master Service Agreement or applicable contractual documents. These procedures may include mediation, arbitration, or other methods of dispute resolution aimed at resolving conflicts in a fair and timely manner. Users should adhere to the terms and conditions specified in the Master Service Agreement and cooperate fully with any dispute resolution process initiated by Arxis or its authorized representatives.

  1. Reservation of Rights

Arxis reserves the right to cooperate with legal authorities in investigating claims of illegal activity and to enforce this Policy to the extent of applicable law and contractual obligations. Arxis also reserves the right to update, modify, or revise this Policy as needed to reflect changes in technology, industry best practices, or legal requirements. Users are responsible for regularly reviewing this Policy and complying with its provisions.